2007 True Cost Economics Forum

Karl FitzgeraldEventsLeave a Comment

Friday July 20th
“Economics – the fast track to Sustainability”
Free RSVP necessary


True Cost Economics is an economic model that seeks to include the cost of negative externalities into the pricing of goods and services. Products and activities that directly or indirectly cause harmful consequences to living beings and/or the environment should be accordingly taxed to reflect the somewhat hidden costs.

Natural resources need to be at the centre of our thinking, not wriiten off as an ‘externality’ or mined for exorbitant profits.

The 2007 TCE Forum will feature Frank De Jong, leader of the Ontario Greens (Canada). He is an expert on environmental economics, having coined the term ‘the invisible green hand’ of market forces. Frank has over 20 years experience in Canadian elections and will bring a balance of political know-how and economic theory. As Frank says “Let the market do the hard work for us in changing our thinking towards environmental responsibility”.

Economics needs to direct the behaviour of consumers towards looking after the planet. Is Carbon Trading enough? A new economic paradigm is needed to ensure a liveable planet for future generations. It is time to discuss and plan for this evolution.

Frank De Jong will give his positive keynote “The Invisible Green Hand V the Time Famine”, then 3 panels will follow:
Policy Pathways: Carbon Trading v Carbon taxes. A crucial point in time demands we make the correct decision.
Cameron Neil (Fairtrade Labelling ANZ)
Amanda McKenzie (Australian Youth Climate Coalition)
Tom Curtis (Earthsharing Australia)

Policy Possibilities: What are the cutting edge policy options? Also, the practical examples of effective green economics at work.
David Spratt (Carbon Equity)
Donna Lorenz (Maunsell Engineering)
Adrian Whitehead (Beyond Zero Emissions)

Policy Makers: What do the politicians see as possible and pragmatic? Is it genuinely possible to make policy that will stop runaway climate change? Eg, co2 below 550eppm
Senator Lyn Allison – Leader of the Australian Democrats
Evan Thornley – Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier (ALP)
Dr Richard Di Natale – Lead Senate Candidate – The Greens

15 minutes question time will follow each panel.
The Venue:
Swanston Hall – Melbourne Town Hall (to the left of the main stairs, enter from Swanston St)

9.15 – 1pm

Science is leading the way with the evidence of global warming. The rapidly increasing cost of insurance is alerting us of the dangers to ignoring nature’s law.

The true cost of avoiding a transition towards a responsible economic system is quickly becoming apparent. Let’s insure against the power of nature by following the money trail and scientifically re-directing it towards a profitable future for all generations.


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